Penilaian Terhadap Kelayakan Ahli Perlimen di Malaysia Menurut Perspektif Islam


  • Bharuddin Che Pa
  • Raja Hisyamudin Raja Sulong



This article is an attempt to discuss issues regarding the requirements and the qualifications of Malaysian Member of Parliament according to the Malaysian Constitution and then the requirements and the qualification are assessed according to the Islamic Perspective. The discussion is initiated with an explanation regarding the British influences towards the establishment and the operation of Malaysian Parliament system. After its independence, the Malaysian Parliament System and its procedure is a continuation from the previous governing body. In order to Islamize the Malaysian Parliament Institution, the laws regarding the institution especially Malaysian Constitution needs to be improved from time to time according to Islamic values. Furthermore, this article explains the requirements and the qualifications needed by a candidate who will be elected as a Malaysian Member of Parliament according to Malaysian Constitution. Several assessments were made towards the requirements and the qualifications either it is fitting or not with the Islamic concept. The issue of disqualification as a Member of Parliament according to Malaysian Constitution is also examined thoroughly with regards to Islamic Perspective. In short, this article argues that some of the requirements and the qualifications of Malaysian Member of Parliament which stated in Malaysian Constitution are fitting with the Islamic Concept while some others are not. Therefore, continues efforts need to be done in order to improve the Malaysian Constitution to be fitted with the Islamic concept. Hopefully the Malaysian government and its Muslims citizen will always do their efforts to Islamize the Malaysian Constitution.





How to Cite

Che Pa, B., & Raja Sulong, R. H. (2008). Penilaian Terhadap Kelayakan Ahli Perlimen di Malaysia Menurut Perspektif Islam. Jurnal Fiqh, 5, 67–96.


