Jurnal Fiqh 2024-06-30T00:00:00+08:00 Editor in Cheif Open Journal Systems <div align="justify">Jurnal Fiqh (ISSN:1823-089X, E-ISSN: 2289-7518) merupakan jurnal yang diterbitkan setiap tahun oleh Jabatan Fiqh dan Usul, Akademi Pengajian Islam, Universiti Malaya. Walaubagaimanapun, mulai tahun 2020, Jurnal ini diterbitkan dua kali setahun. Objektif utamanya adalah untuk menyediakan satu forum akademik bagi membincangkan isu-isu fiqh, usul fiqh, fiqh kontemporari dan maqasid al-syariah.</div> <p><em>The Jurnal Fiqh (ISSN:1823-089X, E-ISSN: 2289-7518) is a refereed journal published annually by the Department of Fiqh and Usul, Academy of Islamic Studies, University of Malaya. However, since 2020, this journal publish twice a year. Its main objective is to provide an academic forum to discuss fiqh issues, usul fiqh, contemporary fiqh issues and maqasid -shariah.</em></p> <p> </p> <p> </p> NUPTIAL AGREEMENT IN MUSLIM MARRIAGE: A JURISTIC ANALYSIS 2023-10-17T13:59:45+08:00 Saheed Abdullahi Busari <p>The nuptial agreement is been gaining attraction in the Muslim environment in recent times because of the assumed benefit to protect either of the marital partners in the advent of divorce or separation. Prenuptial clauses usually take effect immediately after marriage consummation and every party can lay claim to the agreement in the event of a breach of agreement while postnuptial agreements are clauses agreed upon during the marriage period. Although there are complaints that Muslims from Western and non-Islamic societies might need prenuptial agreement in the place of khulʼ (redemption) to protect either party in the case of future divorces or separation, however, there are concerns about the rate of interest in the new couples from Muslim society opting for a prenuptial agreement.</p> <p>This study explores the concepts of prenuptial and postnuptial and their associated use by Muslim couples in contemporary reality. The study will examine why Muslim couples from Islamic society are opting for nuptial agreement rather than khulʼ regulations in Islamic law and the need to identify essential thresholds in juristic conditioning for nuptial agreements in a Muslim marriage, especially in the case of <em>Shartu fāsid</em> (invalid conditions) in a marriage agreement. The study uses a doctrinal approach to gathering and analysis of data from an Islamic perspective. The study proposed useful suggestions from the finding on juristic conditioning in the application of prenuptial and postnuptial agreements in Muslim society.</p> 2024-06-30T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Fiqh دراسة فقهية تحليلية :(NFT) الاستثمار في الرموز غير قابلة للاستبدال 2023-09-26T09:15:53+08:00 Noor Fatini Izzati Fadzil Saheed Abdullahi Busari <p>Non-fungible tokens (NFT) are considered unique digital assets recorded on the blockchain whose ownership and authenticity cannot be duplicated, exchanged, or divided but can be transferred by the owner, allowing the selling and trading of NFT through the blockchain. This study addresses the issues relating to the extent of NFT compliance with Islamic law. It sheds light on the concept of symbols that are not replaceable and presents the opinions of contemporary jurists in dealings with NFT based on a juristic adaptation of these transactions.The study is qualitatively based and using an inductive approach to collect library information and analytical approach to clarify the issue and present the opinions of the jurists. The study found that investing in non-fungible tokens is legally permissible, but the principles of Shariah must be adhered to when dealing with them because they are among the things that were not prevented except by legal evidence. NFTs should be items of legal value that benefit people, and are free from illegal activities such as usury, fraud, and gambling. The study recommends an urgent need for Shariah scholars and technology experts to create an NFT platform that is compatible with Islamic Shariah, and allowing Muslims to participate in it.</p> 2024-06-30T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Fiqh METODOLOGI HUKUM ISLAM MENURUT ALIRAN DEOBANDI DI MALAYSIA 2024-05-06T12:14:17+08:00 Ahmad Zulkernain Che Age Saadan Man <p>The significant influence of Deobandi scholars, known for their expertise in Hadith and the Quran, raises the question of what legal methodology is adhered to by the scholars of this school. A comprehensive legal methodology typically consists of <em>uṣūl al-fiqh</em>, <em>qawā’id al-fiqhiyyah</em> and <em>maqāṣid al-syāri’ah.</em> Today, the community has witnessed the rejection by some of these scholars by some of these scholars towards local practices such as <em>maulīd ar-rasūl, tahlil</em> and so on. This study has several importance implications, serving as a reference for future researchers<span style="text-decoration: line-through;">, </span>JAKIM, the State Department of Islamic Religion, and graduates of the Deobandi school itself. This study took the form of a qualitative study and involved interviews with nine Deobandi respondents. The results indicate that the Deobandi school does not employ a complete legal methodology, and there is inconsistency among the respondents when applying the legal methodology in the absence of the Qur'an and Hadith. These suggests that, <em>maqāṣid al-syāri’ah </em>is largely overlooked by the majority of the respondents.</p> 2024-06-30T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Fiqh SEWAGE WATER TREATMENT AND ITS EFFECT ON THE CLEANLINESS OF WATER: A REVIEW FROM ISLAMIC AND SCIENCE PERSPECTIVE 2024-01-29T17:38:35+08:00 Mohd Mahyeddin Mohd Salleh Yasmin Hanani Mohd Safian Syaza Azhari Hussein Azemi Ahmad Thaidi <p>Due to the water combining with feces, sewage water found in the Sewage Treatment Plant (STP) is classified as <em>mutanajjis</em>. However, the wastewater cleaned with current technology in STP has created concerns, particularly among Muslims, over whether it can be classified as <em>muṭlaq</em> water or not. The purpose of this study is to compare the cleaning mechanism from an Islamic perspective with the sewage water treatment technique in Indah Water Konsortium (IWK) Malaysia. Next, to examine the treated sewage water and its impact on the law of <em>ṭahārah</em> in Islam. This study uses a qualitative approach using data collection techniques by document analysis, observations at the Regional Sewage Water Treatment Plant (RSTP) KL-Titiwangsa 2 owned by Indah Water Konsortium (IWK) Malaysia, interviews with Shariah and water experts, and laboratory analysis. The results of the study revealed that the wastewater treatment technology at RSTP Serantau KL-Titiwangsa 2 can change the status of water from <em>mutanajjis</em> to <em>muṭlaq</em> because it meets all the criteria for <em>muṭlaq</em> water set by the <em>fuqaha</em>. Through the results of laboratory analysis, the treated sewage water is categorized in the same category as <em>muṭlaq</em> water. Therefore, the water can be used for<em> ṭahārah</em> purposes. It also sheds light on the aspects of environmental sustainability from an Islamic perspective.</p> 2024-06-30T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Fiqh في ماليزيا: دراسة تحليلية تطبيقية (GLC) الزكاة على الشركات المرتبطة بالحكومة 2024-05-16T08:30:51+08:00 Muhammad Lutfil Hadi Mohd Effandi Mustafa Mat Jubri Shamsuddin <p>This paper explores the obligation of zakat on Government Linked Companies (GLCs), highlighting a disparity where most zakat is collected from salaries despite business taxes constituting over half of Malaysia’s tax revenue. The study aims to identify the shariah ruling concerning zakat on GLCs, by examining the requirements for zakat on both the payer and the wealth. It includes an analysis of Malaysian laws and fatwas related to zakat on GLCs, assessing the current applications and the feasibility of enforcing it on these entities. The study finds that al-fuqaha’ disagree on the obligation of governments to pay zakat on investment funds, with a majority deeming them exempt, while a minority advocate for their zakat obligation. The dispute arises from varying interpretations of zakat eligibility for certain types of governments’ wealth. Despite this, several Malaysian states have issued fatwas that seems to support the minority view. However, the enforcement of these rulings may be unconstitutional, due to some misalignments between state authority over zakat and federal authority over corporations</p> 2024-06-30T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Fiqh