Preparation and analysis of activated carbon from pomegranate peel for battery applications
Activated carbon, Hydrothermal, Anode material, XRD, SEM, CVAbstract
Currently, natural nontoxic carbon in energy storage systems has attracted much attention because of its scalability, low cost, and microspore nature. Activated carbon has a network of interconnected micro-and mesopores. As a result, the carbon material has a large amount of porosity and specific surface area. The pomegranate peel and activation agent significantly affected the surface area and pore structure. Therefore, a pomegranate peel carbon (PPC) anode material was prepared using a hydrothermal method. The effective carbonization of the pomegranate peel was investigated using scanning electron microscopy. Electrochemical measurements were performed using cycle voltammetry. Powder X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis was used to investigate the nature of the sample. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) was used to characterize the morphology of the prepared activated carbon.
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