About the Journal

- Chemical
- Physical
- Biological
- Medical
- Geological
- Environmental
- Astronomical
- Technological
- Societal implications
- Educational implications
This journal accepts full length Articles, Reviews, Communication, Letters & Comments
Peer Review Policy
MNIJ are committed in publishing high quality original research that are within our jurnal aims and scope. All submitted manuscripts will undergo initial appraisal by our editors to be considered for further review process. If suitable the manuscripts will be subjected to blind peer review process by at least two reviewers experts in the field. Reviewers's recommendation will be taken into account by the journal editors before notifying the author of the the final decision. This whole process will take approximately 2 months.
Conflicts of Interest
Any significant conflict of interest that authors, editors or reviewers may have should be declared to MNIJ. The statement should be stated at the last section of before Acknowlegements.
Publication Frequency
MNIJ Journal will be published with a frequency of 2 volumes per year in June & December.