A Comparative Phonological Study of Chenghai Dialects of Teochew Fishing Villages in Selangor Malaysia (马来西亚雪兰莪洲滨海潮州渔村澄海人方言音系比较分析)

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Kiak Uei KHOO


Malaysian Teochew community is among the largest group in local Chinese communities. However, according to dialect categorization, this community in fact consists of various segments of the Chaoshan dialect. There are many Teochew fishing villages along the Selangor coastal region, which are made up mainly of residents originated from Waisha village of Chenghai region. Due to language interactions, the dialects of these Teochew communities have changed. And the different dialectal social structures of each community also resulted in different modes of variations to these dialects. This is the main characteristics of variations in Malaysian Chinese dialects. Because the Teochew fishing villages in Selangor coastal region maintained a primarily homogenous social structure, they provide a perfect case for the study of Malaysian Chinese dialect variations. This paper examined the sound systems of the five main fishing villages, and analysed the main features of variations among them. 

马来西亚潮州人是华人方言群中最大的族群之一,然而按照具体方言点来划分, 内部其实包含原籍潮汕地区的不同方言类型。雪兰莪滨海地区的潮州渔村,分布 着大大小小多个由原籍澄海外砂乡的居民形成的聚落。然而在本地方言接触环境 的影响下,这些澄海人的方言都发生了变异;同时由于各地方言群社会结构的 差异而造成各地不同的澄海方言变体。这是马来西亚汉语方言变异形态的共同特 征。雪兰莪滨海区潮州渔村的澄海方言,因其基本保持着较大范围内的方言同质 性,对于马来西亚汉语方言音系的调查研究是一个非常难得的参照系;从中可以 看出本地方言群相互接触下的语言变异形态及其变异机制。本文综合五个主要渔 村的语音调查,分析其中音系变异的主要特征。


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