About the Journal
The Journal of Chinese Literature and Culture (JCLC) is a multi-disciplinary journal publication published bi-annually to provide a platform for excellent academicians or postgraduate students to publish their research findings. Contributions of articles based on original research are invited from scholars working in the field of Chinese literature and culture.
Editorial Team (2020-2022)
Advisory | Penasihat : Professor Datuk Dr. Danny Wong Tze Ken; Associate Professor Dr. Fan Pik Wah
Editor-in-Chief | Ketua Penyunting: Dr. Ho Kee Chye
Managing Editor | Penyunting Urusan: Dr. Ngu Ik Tien, Dr. Chai Siaw Lin, Dr. Yeoh Yin Yin
Publisher | Penerbit: Department of Chinese Studies, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, University of Malaya.
Email: jcclum2012@gmail.com
ISSN: 2289-232X
e-ISSN: 2821-3580