Vol. 2 No. 1 (2016): AEI INSIGHTS

AEI Insights: An International journal of Asia-Europe relations is a refereed journal published annually by the Asia-Europe Institute (AEI), Universiti Malaya. Established under the Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM) process with a philosophy of enhancing Asia-Europe relations, AEI aims to foster exchange of students and scholars with a view to develop a better understanding of the cultures, histories, politics, institutions, economics, business and legal practices of both regions. The origins of AEI can be traced back to the idea of establishing closer higher education linkages between Asia and Europe under the provisions of the Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM) initiative in 1996. AEI has been publishing AEI Insights journal since Jan 2015 in order to contribute further to the achievement of this objective.
The journal invites articles of bi-regional interest covering Asia and Europe which may involve topics related to: ASEAN, ASEM, East Asia, EU, geo-politics, geo-strategies, global governance, international co-operation, international organisations, political economy, regional values, regionalism, social issues in bio-diversity, and sustainable development.