Kewujudan Allah SWT Menurut Tuan Minal: Analisis dan Transliterasi Teks Aqīdat al-Najīn

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Faizuri Abd Latif
Wan Suhaimi Wan Abdullah


This article attempts to ‘revive’ the legacy of one of the great Muslim scholar in Southeast Asia Sheikh Zainal `Abidin al-Fatani, who is also known as Tuan Minal. It analyses Tuan Minal commentary on ‘Umm al-Barahīn by al-Sanusī particulary on the existence of God. It presents a brief introduction on Tuan Minal and his work `Aqīdah al-Najīn together with an analysis of Tuan Minal commentary on the existence of God. It also proposes a romanized version of the selected texts related to the existence of God from `Aqīdah al-Najīn. The article concludes that Tuan Minal had played a great role in assuring the continuity of the Ash`arite theology in the Malay world and that his commentary on the Sunni theology is still relevance, with certain elaboration, for the moden Malay reader.


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How to Cite
Abd Latif, F., & Wan Abdullah, W. S. (2009). Kewujudan Allah SWT Menurut Tuan Minal: Analisis dan Transliterasi Teks Aqīdat al-Najīn. Afkar: Jurnal Akidah &Amp; Pemikiran Islam, 10(1), 1–38. Retrieved from