Conduct responsible research to escape from predatory journals


  • Mohammad Tariqur Rahman



Predatory publication, publish or perish, number game, open access, article processing fees


Academics and researchers, willingly or unwillingly, continue to fall a “victim” to predatory journals. The entire cascade of moving forward in academia depends on one’s ability to publish papers - as many as possible and in the shortest possible time. Such a requirement for a “number” persuades an academician or a researcher to race for an increased number of papers rather than to ensure the quality of the papers they want to publish. Thanks, but no thanks to the predatory journals - for providing a comfortable avenue for those papers to get published. An effective way out could be to train the academics and create awareness among them to conduct research following the codes of responsible research. Policymakers may also need to consider adopting policies that will not force their academic and research staff to race against time and compromise the codes of responsible research.



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