MOJPC: Malaysia Online Journal of Psychology & Counselling <div align="justify"> </div> <div align="justify"><strong>Malaysia Online Journal of Psyhcology &amp; Counselling </strong>is double-blind peer reviewed, international, professional refereed journal in the interdisciplinary fields relevant to Psychology &amp; Counselling. The Malaysia Online Journal of Psychology &amp; Counselling serves as a platform for presenting and discussing the emerging issues in psychology and counselling-related areas. The journal aims to promote dialogue and exchange of information about psychology &amp; counselling, particularly in the Asia Pacific region, as well as internationally. </div> en-US (Editor in Chief) (Technical Editor) Thu, 26 Dec 2024 09:36:12 +0800 OJS 60 CONFIRMATORY FACTOR ANALYSIS OF THE BIG FIVE PERSONALITY TRAITS AND SELF-REGULATED LEARNING STRATEGIES: VALIDATING MEASUREMENT MODELS FOR INTERNATIONAL CHINESE STUDENTS IN PRIVATE UNIVERSITIES IN SELANGOR <p>This study utilized confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) to validate measurement models for the Big Five personality traits and self-regulated learning strategies among international Chinese students in Selangor private universities. The research aims to establish a reliable and valid framework for understanding how these personality traits correlate with self-regulated learning practices, particularly in academic achievement contexts. Data were collected from 430 undergraduate students in their second to fourth years of study, using the Big Five Inventory (BFI) and the Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire (MSLQ) as primary instruments. The results from the CFA confirmed the validity and reliability of the measurement models, demonstrating a good fit with the data. This study contributes to the academic literature by providing a robust model for assessing personality and learning strategies, offering valuable insights for educational institutions to enhance learning outcomes and tailor support for international students.</p> Ma Yina, Zahari Ishak Copyright (c) 2024 Thu, 26 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0800 INTRINSIC AND EXTRINSIC MOTIVATION FACTORS IN PREDICTING THE MURAJA'AH HAFAZAN OF TAHFIZ AL-QUR'AN DIPLOMA STUDENTS AT KOLEJ ISLAM TEKNOLOGI ANTARABANGSA (KITAB) PULAU PINANG <p>Tahfiz al-Quran education system is expanding rapidly in Malaysia, focusing on Quran memorization, which requires continuous repetition (muraja'ah). This research aims to assess the influence of intrinsic factors (attitude, skills, interest, fitness, and enjoyment) and extrinsic factors (social recognition, social mobility, praise, encouragement, and rewards) on the memorization quality of Tahfiz Diploma students at the Penang International Islamic College of Technology (KITAB). A survey was conducted with 30 students selected from an initial sample of 40 using simple random sampling. Data were collected via structured questionnaires measuring intrinsic and extrinsic motivational factors alongside perceived memorization quality. Descriptive statistics (percentage frequency and mean) were used for analysis. The sample is predominantly female students (90.3%) aged 18-21 (90.3%). Findings showed that intrinsic factors, such as interest and enjoyment, were strongly correlated with better memorization quality, while extrinsic factors like social recognition and encouragement had a less significant but positive impact. Rewards and social mobility were the least influential. The research suggests prioritizing intrinsic motivation by fostering a supportive environment that enhances personal interest in memorization. While extrinsic motivators can complement these efforts, their influence is relatively limited. Intrinsic and extrinsic factors contribute to Quran memorization quality, with intrinsic motivation playing a more substantial role. These insights can inform educational strategies at Tahfiz institutions to optimize learning outcomes.</p> Norazura Ariffin, Malyanah Solehah Mohamad Shukor Copyright (c) 2024 Thu, 26 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0800 ASSESSING PARENTAL INVOLVEMENT MODEL AND CHILDREN’S MALAY LANGUAGE READING SKILLS IN MULTICULTURAL SOCIETY: THE PANDEMIC CHALLENGE <p>The effect of the COVID-19 pandemic has marked significant changes in parental involvement in learning with young children. Parents juggled multiple roles at home, requiring them to be resourceful and ‘present’ during their child’s learning. The current study examines parental involvement dimensions on children’s reading skills in the Malay language among six-year-old children. The analyses were based on 310 dyads from one east state in Malaysia. All respondents were selected based on stratified random sampling from private kindergartens in Malaysia. The study examined parental reports on five dimensions including parents teaching efficacy beliefs, authoritative parenting practice, teacher guidelines, communication with kindergarten management and home reading literacy activity. Children’s reading skills were assessed with three components: identifying uppercase and lowercase, reading syllables and reading words. The results revealed that despite multiple movement control orders, most six-year-old Malaysian children could grasp and showed commendable results in three reading skills assessments. Parents showed a moderate level of teaching efficacy which resulted in a negative contribution to children’s reading skills. Nevertheless, this study suggested that with authoritative parenting practices and consistent communication with the management and teachers, the children’s reading skills would be maintained and developed consistently, despite parents and teachers juggling multiple expectations, roles, and attitudes of young learners during the pandemic.</p> Azyyati Zakaria, Fonny Hutagalung Copyright (c) 2024 Thu, 26 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0800 INFLUENCE OF COMPUTER SELF-EFFICACY, PERSONALITY TRAITS, ACHIEVEMENT MOTIVATION, EXPERIENCE AND GENDER ON TECHNOPHOBIA AMONG UNDERGRADUATE IN IBADAN <p>Technophobia encompasses a fear of all technologies. It can be described as a sense of unease brought on by an encounter with technology. Technophobia can cause cognitive anxiety or physical discomfort in its victims. It is one of the prominent factors that hinders the effective application of technology among students. Technophobic individuals often have trouble adopting and actively using new technologies, instead preferring to use analogue or traditional solutions. The study adopted a correlational research design. 400 participants were randomly selected from four universities (two federal and two private) within Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria. The study’s objective was to investigate the influence of computer self-efficacy, personality traits, achievement motivation, computer experience, and gender on technophobia among undergraduates. Five reliable instruments were used in the collection of data. Data were analysed using Pearson Product Moment Correlation and multiple regression analysis. It was found that there was a joint influence of computer self-efficacy, personality traits, achievement motivation and computer experience in predicting technophobia, while gender was not. It was therefore recommended that students who have technophobia should be encouraged to develop self-confidence in the use of technology for their schoolwork. The more experience students have on the computer, the lower their technophobia. As such, students should be encouraged to use technology more often to gain more experience and explore different technologies. Students who suffer from technophobia should seek help from counselling psychologists to alleviate their fear of technology.</p> Gloria Oyeniran, Moses Oluwafemi Ogundokun Copyright (c) 2024 Thu, 26 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0800 SOCIO-PSYCHOLOGICAL DETERMINANTS OF MARITAL QUALITY AMONG YOUNG COUPLES <p>The prevalence of broken marriages worldwide led to the focus on marital quality among couples. This study is a correlation crosssectional survey that utilizes a simple random sampling technique to select 300 respondents across five selected local government areas in Ibadan. A 5-likert scale self-structured questionnaire with six (6) sections. It covers respondent’s demographic characteristics, Marital Quality (r 0.87), Communication (0.79), Relationship Quality (r 0.85), Mindfulness (r 0.91) and Spousal Choice (r 0.84). Pearson Correlation, ANOVA and Linear Regression were used to test the research hypotheses. Results revealed that quality of relationship (r = 0.323, p&lt; .05); communication (r =0.121, p&lt; .05), and mindfulness (r = 0.349, p&lt; .05) exerted a positive significant relationship on the quality of marriage; gender exerted negative significant relationship (r = -0.199, p&lt; .05); choice of partner exerted a negative not-significant relationship (r = -0.200, p&gt; .05); and education exerted a positive notsignificant relationship on quality of marriage (r = 0.072, p&gt; .05). Going by the results, relationship quality, communication, and mindfulness have a positive and statistically significant influence on marital quality. This study recommends that couples should learn each other’s communication language, be mindful of spousal needs and desires, and make themselves interesting and fascinating to one another.</p> Shade Vivian Adeyemi, Oyesoji Amos Aremu, Dairo Opeyemi Elizabeth Copyright (c) 2024 Thu, 26 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0800