Shear rate equations for yield stress fluids in couette flow

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Y.K. Leong


The accuracy of the Krieger-Maron, power law and Yang-Krieger equations for calculating the shear rate of three specific Herschel-Bulkley fluids (r = + Kr) couette flow within the annulus of a concentric cylinder was assessed. The chosen fluids have a shear rate exponent n of 1, 1/2 and 1/3. The accuracy for all three equations was found to depend upon the fluid model, stress level and radius or gap ratio E of the concentric cylinders. With the Krieger-Maron equation, the shear rate is only accurate in the fully sheared regime for all n and E. In contrast both the power law and Yang-Krieger equations are accurate in both the plug and fully sheared flow regimes. For both equations, the largest absolute error generally decreases with increasing E and decreasing n and is usually located near the transition from plug to fully sheared flow. In terms of the largest absolute error, the Yang-Krieger is more accurate


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How to Cite
Leong, Y. (1999). Shear rate equations for yield stress fluids in couette flow. Malaysian Journal of Science, 18(1), 91–97. Retrieved from
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