Kesan Perkembangan Teknologi terhadap Industri Penerbitan Buku di Malaysia The impact of technology toward publishing industry in Malaysia

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Fadli Abdullah
Md Sidin Ahmad Ishak


The advancement of technology over the past few decades has tremendously changed the strategic environment of book publishing industry. Some of these changes included the coexistence of printed book and e-book in the market, the development of online bookselling, and also the increased competitions in the market. Today, the publishing supply and value chain are no longer the same as before. This has created new challenges to the industry. Taking all these issues into consideration, this study attempts to highlight the questions of how the current situation is for Malaysia, and to what extent technological developments have affected the strategic environment of book publishing industry in this country. The findings of the documentary sources analysis show that, the emergence of e-book has brought an alternative option of reading and book buying to Malaysian readers. However, the market remained stagnant and yet to show any significant growth. Meanwhile, online bookselling is observed to be growing noticeably, especially through e-commerce and social media platforms. Apart from that, there is also a substantial increase of small independent publishers in the industry impacted by the emergence of the Internet and social media.

Kemajuan teknologi selama beberapa dekad terakhir telah mengubah lingkungan strategik industri penerbitan buku. Beberapa perubahan ini termasuklah wujudnya buku cetak dan e-book di pasaran, pengembangan penjualan buku dalam talian, dan juga peningkatan persaingan di pasar. Dewasa ini, rantaian penawaran dan nilai penerbitan tidak lagi sama seperti sebelumnya. Ini telah menimbulkan cabaran baharu kepada industri. Dengan mempertimbangkan semua masalah ini, kajian ini cuba menyoroti persoalan bagaimana keadaan semasa bagi Malaysia, dan sejauh mana perkembangan teknologi telah mempengaruhi persekitaran strategik industri penerbitan buku di negara ini. Hasil analisis sumber dokumentari menunjukkan bahawa, kemunculan e-book telah membawa pilihan alternatif untuk aktivit membaca dan pembelian buku dalam kalangan pembaca di Malaysia. Walaubagaimanapun, pasaran tetap stabil dan belum menunjukkan pertumbuhan yang ketara. Sementara itu, penjualan buku dalam talian dilihat berkembang pesat, terutama melalui platform e-dagang dan media sosial. Selain itu, terdapat juga peningkatan besar penerbit bebas kecil dalam industri yang dipengaruhi oleh kemunculan Internet dan media sosial.



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