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Nik Shahrizan Nik Mad
Marzudi Md Yunus
Mashrom Muda


The level of subjective well-being of individuals was affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. Both
economic (objective) and non-economic (subjective) factors needs to be evaluated to assess the
levels of individual well-being. The objective of this study is to assess the level of individual wellbeing during the COVID-19 pandemic. This research uses a qualitative approach through
interviews to obtain information related to subjective well-being during the COVID-19
pandemic. The study involves 20 participants who were affected during the pandemic, including
former patients, family members or individuals in the Control Movement Order areas and those
who also underwent quarantine. The findings of this investigation shows that economic, social,
educational, religious, as well as physical and mental health effects are related to the increase in
well-being. The positive effects are related to the increase in well-being, while the negative
effects decrease an individual’s level of happiness. The differences in age, location, and
occupation correspondingly have distinctive relationships in the assessment of individual wellbeing levels. The findings of this study can additionally help identify the challenges and effects of
the pandemic on patients, serving as a reference for government agencies to improve policies
and awareness of well-being levels among communities. Further research can be done by
investigating the diversity of geographic areas, involving respondents from different areas such
as urban, suburban, and rural areas to provide a more comprehensive picture of subjective wellbeing. Studies on subjective well-being can contribute more comprehensive information and
assist policy makers as well as psychologists in developing more effective programs to improve
subjective well-being.

Keywords: subjective well-being, satisfaction, happiness, quality of life, COVID-19



Tahap kesejahteraan subjektif individu terkesan akibat pandemik COVID-19. Faktor ekonomi
(objektif) dan bukan ekonomi (subjektif) perlu dinilai bagi tujuan penilaian terhadap tahap
kesejahteraan individu. Objektif kajian ini adalah menilai tahap kesejahteraan individu semasa
Pandemik COVID-19 melanda. Kajian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif melalui kaedah
temu bual bagi mendapatkan maklumat berhubung dengan kesejahteraan subjektif semasa
pandemik COVID-19. Kajian ini melibatkan 20 orang peserta yang terkesan semasa pandemik,
iaitu bekas pesakit, ahli keluarga atau individu yang berada dalam kawasan Perintah Kawalan
Pergerakan serta menjalani kuarantin. Dapatan kajian ini mendapati bahawa kesan ekonomi,
sosial, pendidikan, keagamaan serta kesihatan fizikal dan mental mempunyai hubungan kait
dengan peningkatan kesejahteraan. Kesan positif berkait dengan peningkatan kesejahteraan,
sementara kesan negatif menurunkan tahap kegembiraan individu. Perbezaan umur, lokasi dan
pekerjaan juga mempunyai hubungan yang berbeza dalam penilaian tahap kesejahteraan
individu. Dapatan kajian ini juga dapat membantu mengenal pasti cabaran dan kesan pandemik
kepada pesakit serta boleh dijadikan rujukan oleh agensi kerajaan dalam menambahbaik dasar
dan kesedaran terhadap penelitian tahap kesejahteraan dalam kalangan masyarakat. Kajian
lanjutan boleh dilakukan dengan meneliti kepelbagaian kawasan geografi, iaitu melibatkan
responden dari kawasan yang berbeza seperti bandar, pinggir bandar, dan luar bandar supaya
gambaran yang lebih menyeluruh mengenai kesejahteraan subjektif. Kajian mengenai
kesejahteraan subjektif akan dapat memberi maklumat yang lebih komprehensif serta dapat
membantu pembuat dasar dan ahli psikologi dalam membangunkan program yang lebih berkesan
untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraan subjektif.

Kata Kunci: kesejahteraan subjektif, kepuasan, kegembiraan, kualiti hidup, COVID


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How to Cite
Nik Shahrizan Nik Mad, Marzudi Md Yunus, & Mashrom Muda. (2023). TAFSIRAN KESEJAHTERAAN SUBJEKTIF INDIVIDU SEMASA PANDEMIK COVID-19 DI SUNGAI BULOH, SELANGOR: (INTERPRETATION OF INDIVIDUAL SUBJECTIVE WELL-BEING DURING THE COVID19 PANDEMIC IN SUNGAI BULOH, SELANGOR). Jurnal Pengajian Melayu (JOMAS), 34(1), 67–90. Retrieved from https://vmis.um.edu.my/index.php/JPM/article/view/43359