Journal of Educational Research <p>The Journal of Educational Research (issn 0126-5261) is a printed journal which double-blind peer reviewed published by the Faculty of Education, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur. It is published once a year (December) in English and in Bahasa Malaysia.</p> <p>The Journal of Educational Research publishes research employing a variety of methods and approaches that address theoretical and philosophical issues pertinent to education. Innovative and provocative scholarship informed by diverse orientations is encouraged. The journal aims to stimulate a problem-oriented, critical approach to research and practice, with an increasing emphasis on inter-disciplinary research in both local and international perspectives</p> Faculty of Education, Universiti Malaya en-US Journal of Educational Research 0126-5261 KESAN AKTIVITI JEJAK KARBON MAKANAN MELALUI PENDEKATAN PEMBELAJARAN BERASASKAN MASALAH TERHADAP AMALAN DIET LESTARI MURID <p>The concept of a sustainable diet has gained global attention with increased climate change issues. A sustainable diet is a food pattern that can be practiced as a climate mitigation strategy. Besides other mitigation strategies, human behavioral changes in choosing a sustainable diet can potentially fight climate change. The potential for reducing carbon footprint by switching to a sustainable diet is substantial. This study aimed to determine the impact of Food Carbon Footprint Activities on the sustainable diet practices of secondary school students. This quantitative study uses a quasi-experimental design of prepost-tests. This study used probability sampling of a mutually exclusive subarea, involving Form Four Biology students at a school within the administration of Hang Tuah Jaya Municipal Council, Melaka. A total of 30 students in the treatment group were given an eight-week Food Carbon Footprint Activities intervention, while 32 students in the control group used conventional learning methods. The Food Carbon Footprint activities use a Problem-Based Learning approach and integrate food carbon literacy in a balanced diet topic in Biology. The independent sample t-test analysis of post-test scores showed that there was a significant difference between the mean score of student's sustainable diet practices in the post-test for the treatment group (M=3.88, SD=0.48) and the control (M=3.66, SD=0.26) and the value t (43.815) = 2.177, p &lt; 0.05. The findings of this study suggest that the Food Carbon Footprint activities with a problem-based learning approach have a positive impact on students’ sustainable diet practices and can be used as a climate change mitigation strategy through climate change education. Thus, a project-based learning approach can be carried out as a further study to identify its effects on students' sustainable diet practices.</p> Anizawati Zainal Hidayah Mohd Fadzil Edy Hafizan Mohd Shahali Copyright (c) 2023 2023-11-29 2023-11-29 41 1 15 IDENTIFYING THE DIFFICULTIES IN LEARNING ENGLISH LANGUAGE SPEAKING SKILL FOR PRE-UNIVERSITY STUDENTS <p>This study aims to identify the challenges pre-university students have when developing speaking skills for English subjects in light of the situations in which students must transfer from high school to colleges, particularly pre-university. This study uses a quantitative methodology, and pre-university student applicants are given questionnaire forms asking about their viewpoints, needs, and levels of motivation during English learning speaking classes. The data showed that pre-university students did not have a negative view of English classes, but that they believed strong syntax and semantics skills were necessary for having effective speaking skill. They also thought they could succeed if they studied using the instruments their instructors had supplied. If they underperformed, they made an effort to improve upon their prior performance by learning from their mistakes. The significance of this study is that it will assist instructors in better understanding their students' perceptions of English learning speaking skills, motivation, and needs in order for the instructors to provide a better and more convenient environment for pre-university students to learn in the classroom.</p> Norshahida binti Hassan Rafiza Abdul Razak Siti Hajar binti Halili Amiruddin bin Kamsin Sabrina Adia binti Mohd Shahrizal Copyright (c) 2023 2023-11-29 2023-11-29 41 16 31 KEBOLEHGUNAAN LAMAN WEB TATABAHASA BAHASA TAMIL TAHUN EMPAT MENGGUNAKAN KAEDAH PENILAIAN PAKAR <p>In today’s digital era, interactive learning based on information technology is an option and alternative in learning system. It happens when the world is in the transition period of the pandemic that is sweeping the world. This research implemented the usability testing evaluation of the year four Tamil grammar website using the expert panel evaluation method. The instrument employed in this study was a questionnaire which was analysed using the Percentage Calculation Method (PCM). The outcomes confirmed the usability of the year four grammar website in term of design = 95.60%, suitability of subject = 92.30%, teaching and facilitating= 95%, learning theory application = 94.5% and usefulness = 94.33%. The usability testing evaluation using the expert panel evaluation method in this study enabled the researcher to accomplish the study objective. Therefore, this study shows that the website developed can benefit students in technology-based grammar learning. This research recommended that future researchers use the usability testing evaluation method for studies involving the evaluation of the usability of a new innovation.</p> Theepa Asualingam Siti Hajar binti Halili Selvajothi Ramalingam Copyright (c) 2023 2023-11-29 2023-11-29 41 32 44 INVESTIGATING KNOWLEDGE TASK DIFFICULTIES IN DESIGNING PROFESSIONAL ETHICS INSTRUCTIONAL FRAMEWORK FOR TECHNICAL EDUCATORS <p>Ethics education and professional conduct are inextricably linked for people entering the labour market and professional practice in their professions. Despite the importance of teaching ethics, there is considerable uncertainty on how ethics and professionalism should be taught in institutions of higher learning, owing to a lack of directives and guidelines for instructors, delivery techniques, and instructor ability for teaching ethics. In this light, this article intends to investigate knowledge task difficulties in designing professional ethics instructional framework for technical educators particularly in the higher learning institutions. Applied Cognitive Task Analysis (ACTA) was employed to elicit the difficult cognitive elements identified by a group of experts. Interview sessions were conducted in two phases i.e., task diagram and knowledge audit technique, and the data are analysed based on the common cognitive tasks identified. From the task diagram, three cognitive tasks which considered difficult by the experts: (i) assess learners’ profiles (ii) select and set learning objectives (iii) select instructional methods. These cognitive tasks are then investigated further in knowledge audit phase whereby the experts suggested strategies which novice technical educators could adopt: i) conduct preliminary assessment on students’ profiles to determine the appropriate method of delivery, ii) technical educators are encouraged to attend courses on teaching and learning theories and practices, iii) provide trainings for technical educators on alternative pedagogical approaches, iv) students are to be treated as active learners whereby the teaching and learning process is interactive. For further study, it is suggested that workshops, seminars, and peer collaborations need to be implement to foster the exchange of best practices and alleviate educators' apprehensions about trying new methods.</p> Siti Nurhuda Abd Wahid Rafiza Abdul Razak Siti Hajar binti Halili Copyright (c) 2023 2023-11-29 2023-11-29 41 45 57 IDENTIFYING THE DIFFICULTIES IN CONDUCTING ACTION RESEARCH AMONG SECONDARY SCHOOL TEACHERS IN SELANGOR <p>The value of educational research has become evident that research is very useful in Malaysian educational system. Teachers should improve their knowledge and skills in teaching and learning through new inventions by conducting action research. However, the number of teachers, conducting action research in schools still low as they have some difficulties in conducting action research. The teachers are not that equipped with the necessary research knowledge and competence to conduct action research. Much of the past research focuses on teachers’ perception about the research activity but fails to consider what are their difficulties to conduct research. Hence, this study aims to identify the difficulties faced by the teachers in conducting action research. This study uses a quantitative methodology, and teachers were given questionnaire forms to get their viewpoints on research knowledge, research competence and barriers in conducting action research. The data showed that teachers have difficulties in conducting action research as they are lack of research knowledge and skills that necessary for conducting action research. Further research need to use other research methods to identify difficulties in action research among teachers.</p> Vimala Maniam Rafiza Abdul Razak Copyright (c) 2023 2023-11-29 2023-11-29 41 58 74 IMPLEMENTATION OF SMART LEARNING DURING THE PANDEMIC THROUGH MOBILE FLIPPED CLASSROOM APPROACH <p>Recently, the COVID-19 led to the closure of schools and higher learning institutions, causing significant disruptions to the sector. Academicians were required to do a transition to their teaching methods from face-to-face to online approach. Thus, the study aimed to discover a suitability and usability of implementing flipped classroom approach during the pandemic of Covid-19. The data were collected using quantitative method through established instruments called UTAUT questionnaires from Venkatesh. Data collected were analysed using SPSS 23 to find descriptive analysis (percentage, mean and standard deviation) and t test. This study involves lecturers from a prominent private higher learning institution in Malaysia located in Selangor. From the population group identified, researcher employed a purposive sampling by selecting 150 lecturers to be involved with various background in technology literacy. Finding from the research shows more than 90% respondents agreed that mobile flipped classroom is suitable to be implemented especially during the COVID-19 pandemic since they are unable to conduct a face-to-face teaching. Future research is recommended to focus on different groups of respondent background including their technology acceptance and field of expertise.</p> Norharyanti Mohsin Nor Nazrina Mohamad Nazry Copyright (c) 2023 2023-11-29 2023-11-29 41 75 87 MODEL PENGURUSAN DATA RAYA PEJABAT PENDIDIKAN DAERAH DI MALAYSIA: APLIKASI METOD FUZZY DELPHI <p>The immensity of big data as a result of the maximum use of digital systems in the Industrial Revolution 4.0 has demanded a more systematic and efficient management to improve the quality of education. The results of the District Education Office Excellence Evaluation through the District Transformation Program (DTP) show that there are yet numbers of District Education Offices (PPD) that do not reach the standard level of big data management. Thus, this study was conducted to develop a big data management model for District Education Offices (PPD) in Malaysia. The research design was a two-round Fuzzy Delphi method to obtain expert agreement on the elements and dimensions of the model. The first round was conducted through interviews with five (5) experts and the second round was conducted with ten (10) experts to confirm the items obtained from the first round. The results of the second round of research were analysed to obtain items that were agreed by experts and arranged according to ranking. The findings from the Fuzzy Delphi analysis show 4 elements, 3 sub elements and 128 dimensions that have been agreed by experts. It can be concluded that this study has successfully produced a big data management model design for PPD in Malaysia that can be used as a guide to manage big data more effectively.</p> Nor Kamaliah Mohamad Norfariza Mohd Radzi Zuraidah Abdullah Copyright (c) 2023 2023-11-29 2023-11-29 41 88 103 PELAKSANAAN PENGAJARAN SECARA DIGITAL DALAM KALANGAN GURU PENDIDIKAN MORAL SEKOLAH MENENGAH LUAR BANDAR SEMASA PANDEMIK <p>The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic since early 2020 has led the government to formulate comprehensive strategies for the sustainability of students education such as the application of digital technology in teaching and learning (PdP). This covers various levels of education to replace conventional delivery methods. Therefore, this study was conducted to identify the problems and effects of the implementation of digital learning in the teaching of Moral Education teachers of rural secondary schools. Qualitative approach was used through semi -structured interview method and document analysis as research instrument a total of three (3) rural high school Moral Education teachers from Lahad Datu district, Sabah were involved in this study. The data obtained from the interviews were analyzed using the ATLAS.ti 8 software. While the data from the documents were analyzed manually to answer the research questions. The findings showed that aspects of technological skills, technological facilities and learning and teaching environment are the problems faced by teachers in rural areas. However, digital teaching also has positive effects on teachers' teaching and negative effects to be improved in the future. Thus, the results of this study may potentially be used as a guide for teachers, policy makers and stakeholders to better understand, re-evaluate and improve the existing education system. This is to ensure that the level of digital literacy of teachers and students in rural areas can be increased in line with the development of the country.</p> Oziah Rudin Azni Yati Kamaruddin Copyright (c) 2023 2023-11-29 2023-11-29 41 104 123