Journal of Chinese Literature And Culture 馬大華人文學與文化學刊 <p>The Journal of Chinese Literature and Culture (JCLC) is a multi-disciplinary journal publication published bi-annually to provide a platform for excellent academicians or postgraduate students to publish their research findings. Contributions of articles based on original research are invited from scholars working in the field of Chinese literature and culture.</p> <p>《华人文学与文化学刊》是马来亚大学中文系学术性刊物,暂定为半年刊,期以提供学者与研究生们一个发表研究成果的平台。我们征收与古今华人文学、文化相关的稿件,类型包括论文与书评。</p> en-US (Dr. Ho Kee Chye) (Editing Assistant (Postgraduate Forum)) Thu, 30 Jun 2022 00:00:00 +0800 OJS 60 Reference and Method: Post Cultural Revolution Writing and Research <p><strong>文献与方法:后文革写作及其研究</strong></p> <p><strong>钟怡雯</strong></p> <p>元智大学中语系</p> <p><strong>摘要</strong></p> <p>本论文概述在中国政治气氛变化下,“后文革”的研究文献和非虚构写作现状,以及文革对知识份子的生命史与心灵史的影响。散文以其非虚构的书写特质,可以呈现这种特性,以其非官方、多元的民间史观,留下多元的民间集体记忆,也因此具有跟中共官方历史对话或对抗的功能,包括(1)知识份子和文人以散文、杂文、自传、回忆录、日记等非虚构文体写作的苦难主题;(2)知青作家带着“追忆逝水年华”的怀旧书写;(3)文革除了政治活动,尚有呈现庶民日常的小历史写作,其中包含女性重视细节的文革书写。</p> <p><strong>关键词:</strong>文化大革命,非虚构写作,集体记忆,知青</p> <p>----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------</p> <p><strong>Reference and Method: </strong><strong>Post Cultural Revolution Writing and Research</strong></p> <p>CHOONG Yee Voon</p> <p><em>Chinese Linguistics &amp; Literature, Yuan Ze University</em></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>Abstract</strong><strong>&nbsp;</strong></p> <p>This paper outlines the research literature on the "post Cultural Revolution" and the current state of non-fiction writing under the changing political climate in China, as well as the impact of the Cultural Revolution on the life and spiritual history of intellectuals. Based on its non-fiction characteristic, prose is able to present an unofficial and pluralistic folk's view of history, in conversation and confrontation with Chinese Communist history to rewrite the literary history. Differences in historical research and a more pluralistic folk's collective memory will be highly concerned in this study. Three dimensions are included: (1) Writings of sufferings in the form of prose, essay, autobiography, diary and memoirs based on intellectuals and literati. (2) Intellectual youth writer with "Remembrance of Lost Time" style of nostalgia writing. (3) Besides political activities, there’re minor history writing on civilian life of common people during period of the Cultural Revolution, including female writings which focus on minutiae.</p> <p><strong><em>Keywords: </em></strong>The Cultural Revolution, Non-fiction Writing, Collective Memory, Intellectual youth</p> Yee Voon CHOONG Copyright (c) 2022 Thu, 30 Jun 2022 00:00:00 +0800