Sino-Turkish Relations from the Pre-Modern Era to the Present

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Esin Yurdagul


In the early 21st century, relations between People’s Republic of China
and the Republic of Turkey were not a point of focus for international observers,
but now one can observe a dramatic change in perception has. Multidimensional
Sino-Turkish relations dates back as far as to the pre-modern era. This study
attempts at filling the gap on multidimensional Sino-Turkish relations in official,
diplomatic, military, economy and culture, political, and religious level from the
pre-modern era to the present through a historical perspective narrative.


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How to Cite
Yurdagul, E. (2022). Sino-Turkish Relations from the Pre-Modern Era to the Present. WILAYAH: The International Journal of East Asian Studies, 11(1), 112–130. Retrieved from


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